The Golden Week for the Direct Shop and Restaurant TRY is coming.
It will be held from Saturday, the 27th of April to Sunday, the 5th of May (with days off on Wednesday, the 1st of May and on Monday, the 6th of May )
On Saturday the 4th of May, we will make and sell some Mochi(Rice cakes in our direct shop TRY.
If you like Mochi, come as soon as possible as quantity is limited.
We will also have a mobile zoo (#shimoichi_doubutu) and home-made bread and sandwiches made by LesVagues (www.cafe-lesvagues.com)
There is a possibility that the bread and sandwiches and the zoo will be there during other days of the Golden Week so stay informed on here as we will post further updates.
#御食事処トライ #お餅つき #大淀町 #吉野路 #ソフトドリンク #ミックスフライ定食 #本格カレーもあります #唐揚げ絶品 #うどんも美味しい #ふれあい動物園 #shimoichi_doubutu